Kris-Tea shop is open!

You are always welcome to Kris-Tea Shop !
Thank you


This is only a fragment...Soon the complete illustration!

Illustration Friday, topic: Voices

She wants to sleep, not to hear voices!..But near there is a party...

-Thanks James for illustrating me with Charlie! This is the link

Illustration Friday, topic: Rambunctious

YeEepaA! ..The partys are coming! Rambunctious times! ;)

Sketch, 9 Dic

Girl reading in the train

FlashBack! ...6 years ago

Once upon a time...Hace unos 6 años, (y me parecen siglos) hice estas ilustraciones. Temática..The Lord of the Rings, que casi casi era monotema por entonces. 
¡Que disfruten de este pequeño flashback!

Illustration Friday, topic: Similar

..Similar balls of fluff everywhere!


·Italia (Roma o Florencia) - Inglaterra (Leicester or Southampton)

Ultimos dias per studiare l'taliano! Pronto serán los exámenes de idiomas.
Espero el año que viene por estas fechas estar disfrutando del Renacimiento ( con las típicas características de un año erasmus ;P).

Illustration Friday, topic: Balloon

-Oh..Poor baby! 

I hope you like it :)

26, Nov: Today is my birthday!

¡¡Muchisimas gracias por todo!! Por la celebración del sabado en el Louvre café, por el rato en el servicio esperando a que prepararais el regalo, por la posterior fiesta sorpresa llena de globos, pizza, chucherias, por vestirme de princesa Disney (estas imagenes no saldrán a la luz) ¡y por la tarta mas buena que jamás me han hecho! Por los sms a movil, facebook, tuenti..
Mejor imposible


Angel, sketch

¡He aquí mi boceto!
Para un esgrafiado de 120 x 100 cm.
Basado en
 "La muerte del enterrador" de Carlos Schwabe.
Debíamos interpretar una obra de arte , con figura humana incluida.


Acrílico 146 x 124 cm

¡Termine! Basada en la obra
Salomé de Oscar Wilde
Primer trabajo creativo en clase de Pintura-composición.

Illustration Friday: topic: Pretend

...She pretends to be illustrator!

Amateurs Hotel

...Un lugar para expresarte, compartir, aprender, disfrutar de la compañia de otros amateurs como tú.
¡Decora tu habitación y visita las de tus compañeros! Votando y comentando las obras que más te gusten
¡...Y si fuera poco! Tienes la posibilidad de participar en la Revista AH..
Si te parece interesante, no lo dudes, ¡entra y no te arrepentirás! 
(Relatos, Fotografía, Ilustración, Diseño, Poesia..)


Mi primer esgrafiado, a dos colores. 60 x 60 cm

*I Love Your Art Blog Award*

I Love Your Art Blog Award

THANK YOU so much!! 
Today is a Wonderful day.. because the great artist Asja have passed this award to me :)
It's my first award in blogs' world!! ^^ 
Thanks again!

This is her blog --> Three little cameras

And now..I pass it to Ester!   You must visit her fantastic blog too, IstarArt  (Ahi lo llevas Ester! un premio art-bloguero! ;] )


Lewis Carrol - Oscar Wilde - Charles Dickens

Illustration Friday: Late

When I read the topic.. I thought about how important can be punctuality.. Well, It's sad, but I wanted to express its importance. (and a string is here again haha)
And I've not seen "Titanic" rencently :P

I hope you like it! ..feel free to comment please!

Happy Birthday Oscar!

Yeeh! :)  Happy 154º birthday! haha
And today I'm going to read my new book by O. Wilde..
"The critic as artist".

Magdalen C, Oxf.

This is me in Magdalen College, Oxford. It's a beautiful place! :)

11 Oct

My first painting of 4º course! It's based on a photo taken in Oxford this last summer, Radcliffe camera.
Acrylic. 146 x 114 cm

Illustration Friday: "Sugary" death

"...and then threw herself from the ship into the sea, and thought her body was dissolving into foam."

This is based on "The little Mermaid" by Hans C. Andersen.
I think's a beautiful death, and for the colors.. it can be "sugary"..
I hope you like it!

Oscar sketchs

No stop

Today has been a complicating day for me.. Many things in my mind, about my illustrations, works.. I don't know. Well I suppose all people/artist/illustrator..etc feel like this rower sometimes. 
Have a wonderful day

Wombat channel

...You can follow their behavior 24 hours!  

Release it!

Together they can... and what do you want? ;)

The FishCat!

I didn't know what to do, but I asked a friend, and he said me: A fish-cat! ...and well, this is my fishcat haha 

Illustration Friday, topic: Packed

Well, I think..this illustration can represent the topic "packed". It's a secondhand shop.
I hope you like it! :) 

Please, feel free to comment!

Sport Life

I must go out!

Rufus W.

Rufus Wainwright
En concierto en unos dias, y no podré ir,
.. otra vez será! ;)

Back to Uni

My last free week...  29 Sept's coming..


This is the main character of a tale (written by myself! :P) 
Its name is Lucos and It's a bat..

*I'm reading ...

This illustration is about
"The little match-seller".

I'm reading "The Complete Fairy Tales" by Hans Christian Andersen.. It's so inspiring!


A new project

18 Sept

Mis pintas, si.  Creo que ya mismo empezarán a salirme agujetas de bajar a coger el telefono...
Dije adiós a Dickens y llega Andersen con sus cuentos completos (más extras...). 

Charles Dickens

Byebye David Copperfield...
Más que un libro, un amigo con el que he compartido días de mis vacaciones.

My studio

This is my site for work..well, artwork :P