Self portrait: Kris-Tea


Adri said...

Eres igualita! Y me gusta mucho el grafisco que le dan esas letras :)

Jim Rowland Creations said...

Ahhhh!!! It's youñg Kris! Almost like añ album cover! Do you have a soñg in the charts? lol.
Iñterestiñg to see you use of text iñ this image. Iñspires me to try somethiñg similar. Lovely work as always, Miss Muñoz!!!

Owl Eng said...

This is cool!!

Ester Salguero said...

te has representado saliendo de un libro, molan este tipo de autorretratos simbolicos :D

yoon see said...

Wow! You got cool character:)

Jim Rowland Creations said...

Right, you. It's time we started putting stuff up on here again! You with me? High five! lol

Asja said...

wonderful self-portrait!

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