The King of Pop

"To die will be an awfully big adventure" Peter Pan


Adri said...

Precioso homenaje al rey del pop, Kris.

Angie Suarez said...

Secundo a Adri. Le vamos a echar mucho de menos :(

Ester Salguero said...

apoyo lo dicho, muy buen homenaje

Alex said...

Awesome! Really like your work, and can't wait to see more! :) Following your blog now.

yoon see said...

Lovely illustration, lovely movement, love tribute, love quote by lovely Kris-Tea!
How are you lately, are you getting busier & busier with your assignment!

Owl Eng said...


Asja said...

wonderful tribute to the king of pop!


Michael doesn't need to make believe he's flying, because he actually is...